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Fender HotRod Bugfix Collection

My tips and tricks collection for tackling Fender HotRod issues - 2023 Edition

General warning : All the suggestions, tips and tricks listed on this page are potentially dangerous for anyone's health and could damage/destroy your amp. Author cannot be held any responsibility related to any damage/issue/accident arising following the suggestions listed here.
Disclaimer on opening any Amp : Just consider taking your Hotrod to an Amp shop. All the suggestions in this section are targeting those who have basic knowhow of electronics, soldering and high voltage designs. Opening your amp exposes you to high voltage which is extremely dangerous. Do it at your own risks. The intent here is to list all potential root causes and corrective actions to help investigating your own issues.
Forewords : To mod HotRod or to not mod HotRod

All these steps have been performed on a ~2000 Special edition Fender HotRod Deluxe, however most of the design characteristics and recommandations listed here apply to every model of the HotRod series, namely:

  • Blues Junior
  • Blues Junior III
  • Hot Rod Deluxe
  • Hot Rod Deluxe Rev A
  • Hot Rod Deluxe 112
  • Hot Rod DeVille
  • Hot Rod DeVille Rev A
  • Hot Rod DeVille Rev B
  • Hot Rod Deluxe & DeVille III
  • Pro Junior
  • Pro Junior III
  • Woody Pro Junior 60th Anniversary
Removing HotRod's back plate

To access internal design, remove the 6 back screws and remove the back plate.


Isn't it cute?

The first thing to do after every panel removal/power cycle is to check that power capacitors are properly soaked. Using a voltmeter on 300V+ setting, check that the residual voltage on SP1 is lower than 12V. If not, discharge C31 using a 50k-1W Resistor between its leads.


Bugfix #1 : Tighten them all

First and foremost, especially you own an old Hotrod, all inner and outer screws need a check if you experience any form of rattling. Take a screwdriver and apply a reasonable torque on each of them.

Front Screws


First, mind those main body screws labeled A. Check the side and back screws first, and then handle top handle screws.

The ones on the front - labeled B which hold the speaker holding front face - require special attention, since that front face behind the cloth is a quite thin piece of wood. There are several reported rattles that came from those screws.

There are 6 of them. Yes, six. The top middle one is hidden behind the “Deluxe” label. You don't need to remove it though, just check from behind that the nut is well tightened.

Here is what it look like from the inside: hotrod:nuts.png

Check on both sides for proper nut installation. Mine had 2 missing nuts (yes, TWO) which lead to the front face rattling like hell. Thankfully they are pretty standard M4 ones.

Speaker plate

Tighten Speaker screws first, from the inside.

Speaker plate can be strenghtened, here is a custom angle stiffener that can be installed inside the amp, one on each side. It helped clearing front face vibrations.

Download STL Files

I consider 6 front screws being not enough for this kind of amp, especially if you look at the distance between top and bottom screws on each side. This is 40W tube amp after all!

Find a 3D printer and print 4 of those, one for each face. Mount them internally, between front plate and chassis.

Install them using short screws at 45° angle, here is what it looks like from the inside. hotrod:stiffner.png

Internal Screws

Should you open the amp, this is an excellent opportunity to tighten all internal screws, as illustratead below.

  • Check all lose PCB screws,
  • Check input, output and choke transformer screws as well. These can be hard to access internally.


Don't forget to tighten the transformer screws as well.

Bugfix #2 - Checking Tubes

Detecting and changing broken/damaged tubes

Then, failed tubes can cause rattle so we need to check them. This is generally linked to some inner part mechnically broken, but still electronically connected leading to vibration-induced noise. Power-on the amp and take any kind of chopstick. Put the amp volume to 2 and softly - extremely softly - tap the preamp and power tubes. You should not hear anything on the speaker. If you hear some sort of dull tick with a damped ringy reverb, then you might have some failed tube ringing issues. Change the ringing ones with a replacement one.

Dampening preamp tubes - easy rubber mod

If your preamp tubes were not provided with damper rubber sleeves, grab an old bike inner tube and some scisors, and cut out three rubber damper first. Install these on your preamp tubes as shown to prevent any form of rattling coming from tube mechanical coupling with the case.

Here is what it looks like when installed:


If your tubes are good, but rattling still persists, it's time to check the guts of the amp.

Checking the electronics

Disclaimer (again…): 1 - first and foremost, just consider taking your Hotrod to an Amp shop. All the suggestions in this section are targeting those who have basic knowhow of electronics, soldering and high voltage designs. Opening your amp exposes you to high voltage which is extremely dangerous. Do it at your own risks. 2 - The intent here is to list all potential root causes and corrective actions to help investigating your own issues.

Remove HotRod's back plate

Remove the 6 back screws and remove the back plate.


Isn't it cute?

The first thing to do after every panel removal/power cycle is to check that power capacitors are properly soaked. Using a voltmeter on 300V+ setting, check that the residual voltage on SP1 is lower than 12V. If not, discharge C31 using a 50k-1W Resistor between its leads.



Top image © Vintage Gear America - Palmdale, CA

hotrod.1676456573.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/15 10:22 by wadmin